Technical Publications and Press
- Adhesive-free Zirconium Mesh and ZrB2/Zr Ultrathin Membranes
- Infrared Metal Mesh Bandpass Filter Supported by Ultrathin Polyimide
- Improved IR Blocking and Durability for Ultrathin Aluminum/Polyimide Filters
- Durability of Ultrathin Foils in the FLASH Beam
- Luxel Improved EUV Filter Transmission with Plasma Cleaning
- Laser Entrance Hole Window Burst and Pressure Deflections, 19th Target Fab Meeting TFM-19-6-B, 2010.
- Realization of a new commercial radiometer for measurement of the total UV Irradiance of sunbeds, Newsletter of the Thematic Network for Ultraviolet Measurements, Helsinki University of Technology, issue. 8, pp. 32-33, August 2006
- Formation and Characterization of Polyimide Tents for NIF-Target Capsules, Fusion Science and Technology, vol. 49, number 4, pp. 832-837, May 2006
- Experimental determination of electronic stopping for ions in silicon dioxide, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 87, number 104103-1, September 2005
- Recent Contributions to the Use of Polyimide in the Fabrication of ICF and IFE Targets, Fusion Science and Technology, vol. 45, number 2, pp. 197-201, March 2004
- Filter Windows for EUV Lithography, SPIE Proceedings 2001, vol. 4343, pp. 585-589, September 2001
- The Development of Ultrathin Polyimide for Laser Target and Other Applications, Fusion Technology, vol. 31, pp. 497-500, July 1997
- Metalized Polyimide Filters for X-ray Astronomy and other Applications, SPIE Proceedings, vol. 3113, pp. 432-440, 1997
- Transmittance Measurements for a variety of x-ray/EUV filter materials and pinhole leak measurements utilizing a new visible light photometer system, SPIE Proceedings, vol. 2011, pp. 428-437, 1993
- Care and Feeding of Soft X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Filters, SPIE Proceedings, vol. 1848, pp. 503-514, 1992
- Thin Film Filter Performance for EUV and X-ray Applications, Optical Engineering, June 1990